Beautiful Souls, I am humbled to find you here, to meet once again. This early morning, let us gather our coats, scarves and hot flasks and leave our firesides to head out into the winter dawn in search of beauty and wonder.
Standing patiently by my solitary car, I wait.
All is quiet.
Too early for the morning commute of traffic, for the daily runners and even the local dog walkers to emerge.
I have this special time to myself. A gift just for me. A timeless space of age, where I could be from any era or any story.
A precious moment to listen and feel.
I stand still, ground my feet into the earth and breathe deeply so I can keep within the peacefulness and awe that slowly but surely immerses through me. It reaches deep into my nervous system and a feeling of complete tranquility soothes like gentle snow fluttering down to settle on the earth.
All is as it should be.
My thoughts are quiet. It is not their place or time to begin their daily chatter. They too wait patiently, knowing the need to be silent in this precious, morning space. They lie dormant for now, always there but quiet and resting.
For now, is the time for seeing, for feeling and for marvelling.
I am waiting for the sunrise.
Like a long- expected visitor of whom one feels warmth, reverence and wonderment simply by being in their presence I marvel at how this daily show, that has happened since the beginning of time can still make us feel so deeply, emotions so strongly that there are no words enough to express how one may feel.
I wonder who else, from long ago would have stood and watched the same sun? A Shepherd? A traveller on his way to an inn?
The view over the Worcestershire gentle fields, five miles from the town where I live is now bathed in a gentle, reddish light. Sheep are dotted on the landscape and winter trees stand still, and silent. It is a cold morning and frost covers the earth, making all seem pure, clean and cleansed.
The trees too are waiting. We seem to be waiting together. There are no words spoken and yet we seem to have an understanding. A connection, joined together by the moment, the waiting, the breath of time.
For we are anticipating the warmth, the light, the energy of growth and the right time to emerge.
Slowly but ever so gently, the sky on the horizon turns from red to pink, from a beautiful softness to a bright, red, burning fire.
A fire of light full of energy and majestic power.
I stand transfixed as the sun rises slowly to greet me. First, a glimpse but then, inch by inch the giant fire that is our strength, our energy lifeforce on this earth shows itself in full glory as I stand mesmerised in its presence. It is moments like these that all worries move away, and I feel held, guided and part of something far greater.
The sun is perfect in every way. Mighty, powerful and yet also humble. Doing what it is here to do, without question or ego. The show is a daily one of uniqueness, the rays reaching and lighting our world, making us look up and feel the winter warmth on our faces. To feel healed and soothed.
Trees, and plants all turn to face the sun. Flowers open in abundance and if you stoop closely, I am sure you can hear them sing. The Sun holds us in it’s embrace, it guides us to its warmth and lets us know there is always another sunrise, always another patch of warmth to find, seek out and to heal.
Artists paint the sun; poets write poems dedicated to the rising and setting of the sun and songs are written repeatedly about following the sun. The sun is more than just heat on our faces, it is positivity, hope, freedom and growth.
As I continue to stand and gaze, the rays from the sun gently move over the frozen fields and as I watch the sheep look up and gaze towards the direction of the light. In a short time, the frost and bitter coldness would have eased away, all because of the tender touch of the sun’s warmth like a gentle warm sigh allowing the plants and grasses to feel ease and comfort.
As I slowly turn towards my car and flask of warming tea, I realise how watching the sunrise is not only a gift but a miracle.
Silent, healing and powerful. The miracle of the rising sun is a daily constant that never leaves us.
Thank you for taking this gentle rest with me. If you would like to join me for longer do subscribe to get my Nature’s Seasonal Encounters writings into your inbox.
I write when inspiration comes containing my nature encounters and seasonal wisdom. If you enjoyed this post look out for next week’s writing on how the sun supports our well-being.
Extra posts flow as the seasons change and include following the wheel of the year and sharing my own journey of following nature’s call.
Sending seasonal warmth to you all
Thank you for sharing this beautiful, healing moment with us, Clare. I’ll be carrying the image of those sheep turning their faces towards the sun, just as we all seek out warmth and light in our lives, long after the sun has risen 🌅💛
So gentle, thank you.